Location: Magdalen House
Job Profile: Responsible for all aspects of the care provision tailored to meet the needs, aspirations and well-being of individual residents to enable them to live a full and varied life within a regulated care setting. To ensure the happiness, welfare and efficient working of staff as well as the business management of the home.
Qualifications: Registered Manager’s Award or CQC acceptable equivalent Key to all posts: All Trust employees must ensure that residents and members are treated with dignity, respect and protected from neglect or abuse. All Trust employees must abide by the terms and conditions of their contract, the Trust’s Code of Conduct and this job description.
Job Specific Duties:
1. To provide leadership, direction, support, supervision and motivation to staff in order to deliver the highest possible quality and flexibility of care within a safe working and living environment.
2. To delegate responsibility, when required, for the day to day running of the homes to the Deputy Manager / Head of Care or Shift Lead whilst maintaining overall responsibility for the 24-hour care of the residents.
3. To manage the effective use of resources, adhere to budgets and report the reasons for any variances to the Chief Executive as soon as possible.
4. To provide improvement, independence and choice for residents ensuring their spiritual, physical, medical and material needs are recognised, assessed and met wherever possible.
5. Involve residents whenever possible in decision making about activity, lifestyle and matters in the Home which may affect them.
6. Ensure residents relatives / representatives are supported and well informed on all matters relating to the care and well-being of residents.
7. Actively promote the inclusion of residents in all social and recreational activities and encourage all staff to adopt a whole home approach to activities.
8. Be conversant and comply with all regulatory and legislative requirements at all times.
9. Carry out the instructions of the Head of Operations and Compliance or CEO in relation to any regulatory or compliance matter. Job Description Job Description – Registered Manager of Guild House – February 2020
10. Ensure measures are in place to monitor Quality Assurance and that regular audits take place and any actions required are prioritised in order to improve services.
11. To market the home proactively and effectively in order to maintain high levels of occupancy.
12. To advise the Finance Manager and CEO of any changes to room occupancy as soon as possible after a change takes place.
13. Undertake pre-admission assessments or delegate responsibility to complete as necessary.
14. To Liaise with residents’ families or representatives, GP’s, Social Workers and other external agencies as required. 15. To recruit staff in line with the Trust’s recruitment policies subject to the Chief Executive’s approval.
16. Conduct performance related reviews e.g.; 6 weekly, 3 monthly and monitor staff duties and performance ensuring any issues are dealt with immediately.
17. To hold overall responsibility for resident admissions and assessments.
18. Maintain good professional working relationships & cooperate with all residents, relatives / representatives and staff. 19. Plan, conduct and record staff supervisions and appraisals.
20. Ensure Trust mandatory training requirements are met & effective liaison with the Home Administrator so that individual training records are clear, up to date and maintained accurately.
21. Oversee staff training in liaison with those responsible for training within the Trust to ensure maximum cost benefits are achieved and cohesive training takes place.
22. Deal with any complaints received in a timely and effective manner.
23. Deal with informal disciplinary matters and action formal disciplinary procedures through the appropriate channels. 24. Provide and encourage good, open communication within the Homes by means of meetings, written and verbal reports to staff and residents or their relatives / representatives.
25. Oversee the implementation of systems of working which enable H&S legislative requirements to be met. E.g. risk assessments, fire records, COSHH files etc.
26. Ensure the Trust’s Absence Management Policy is implemented and adhered to
27. Liaise closely with the Trust Maintenance Team to ensure that matters relating to the maintenance of buildings and equipment are dealt with and any regulatory requirements are met.
28. Be familiar with and comply with all agreed Trust policies and procedures and all statutory requirements within the Homes.
29. Ensure the Chief Executive is kept well informed on matters relating to the effective management and performance of the Homes
Job Description – Registered Manager of Guild House
Responsibilities applicable to all post holders across the Trust You must:
a) Communicate with residents, club members, colleagues and all who in engage with the Trust in a polite and professional manner.
b) Work in a way that promotes and respects people’s privacy, dignity, choice and keeps them safe.
c) Communicate all concerns for resident / club member welfare as per policy.
d) All information relating to Residents, Members and/or the Trust must be used in accordance with Data Protection requirements.
e) Work as part of a team.
f) Take reasonable care for your health and safety and for that of others that may be affected by your acts or omissions. g) Ensure that you are aware of your responsibilities and actions to take should a fire arise and in the event of a fire that you follow them.
h) Report any situation which may affect the safety or quality of the Trusts’ services.
i) Ensure you use Trust recording and reporting systems correctly.
j) Make full and proper use of any system of work provided by the Trust.
k) Use any equipment provided by the Trust in accordance with its purpose.
l) Attend any training deemed appropriate for your job title by the Trust.
m) Attend staff and other meetings as requested.
n) Adhere to all Trust policies and procedures.
o) Carry out, when asked, any duty that could reasonably be expected of you.
Gloucester Charities Trust is founded on a long history going right back to the 1800s.
All our accommodation is based in the City of Gloucester.
Our sheltered housing is available to older people living within the county of Gloucestershire and our nursing and residential homes are open to people from any location.
What we offer
Our homes offer a seamless transition in accommodation for older people, from retirement flats, to residential home, through to nursing care.
- Quality, affordable sheltered housing to occupy under licence which gives you independence but with the security of knowing someone is on hand if you need them
- Residential care at Guild House, with specialist dementia care provided on Bluebell and Grace wings
- Comprehensive nursing care at Magdalen House.
Specialist dementia services are also provided through the Kimbrose Club, which offers day services for people with dementia. Also, our staff undergo specialist training to help them care for our residents who have dementia.