Dons Care

Dons Care

Aims And Objectives


1. To provide a home for Individuals with disabilities and/or mental disorder based on a person-centred approach, with an emphasis on creating a safe, secure, comfortable, enabling and a stable living environment, where the Service Users will be able to enjoy a valued lifestyle.


2. To adopt a ‘Holistic’ approach to Individual Care Planning based on continuously assessed needs and strengths, with clearly identifying short and long-term goals, in order to promote the development of independence and personal growth and in turn overcome specific problems.  Service Users will be supported to take part in the formulation and review of their Individual Care Plans.


3. Dons Care Ltd will operate under a non-discriminatory policy where each Service User will be treated with dignity and respect, recognising his/her need for privacy and acknowledging his/her values and the right to pursue personal, religious and cultural beliefs.


4. To protect residents' civil rights (vote in elections, access local services, health services, providing usable facilities, carrying out their duties as members of a mutually dependent society through voluntary work, religious observance, involvement in associations and charitable giving)


5. By providing information and access, each Service User will be supported to make personal choices, self-determination in his/her daily living activities and to develop and explore their passions.


6. The home will promote each Service User’s independence by introducing learning/experiences and assistance in order that he/she develop personal and social competence. Providing access and support to live in the community. It is acknowledged that such learning/experiences may incur a certain degree of assessed risk that will enhance the process of gaining independence.


7. To provide the Service User with the opportunities and support to participate in a range of meaningful occupational, educational and leisure activities, within the home as well as making the best possible use of a range of community resources available, regardless of their disorder/disability.


8. To provide a quality service by making available high standards of care, education, expert multi-disciplinary approach and appropriate therapeutic interventions, to overcome specific problems and/or meet specific needs of each Service User. Through training opportunities/regular supervision, staff will be facilitated to acquire relevant knowledge, skills and attitudes essential to competently meet the changing needs of the Service Users.


9. Service users seeking a placement in the home will have a period of transition, followed by a trial period.  When the placement is finalized, each Service User (or representative) will receive a formal contract of residence detailing the services offered.  No service user will be discharged unilaterally by the home and any decision to discharge will be taken following comprehensive consultation with all parties concerned.


10. To work in close partnership, co-operation and collaboration with parents/relatives, statutory services agencies and the Care Quality Commission to ensure that all service users of the home receive a quality service.


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