A List of Great Questions to Ask in a Nursing Interview

There are plenty of things to think about when you prepare for a nursing interview. You’ll be focused on making a great impression, answering the questions well, and demonstrating your own expertise.

But remember, a job interview is also a chance for you to find out more about the company and whether you’ll enjoy working for them. So, as part of your preparation, put together a list of questions you want to ask your interviewer. They’ll be impressed and they’ll see you as a keen candidate amongst others who may be less memorable.

Applying for a role in nursing means you’re likely to have some specific questions about the expectations of the business. Here’s a few that you should prepare in advance.

Work expectations
What are the shifts patterns, and do they include nights, weekends, and bank holidays?
Will there be the opportunity to work BANK/AD-HC shifts?
How many care assistants are in the team?
What is the ration of nursing staff to service user?
How are holidays covered?

Workplace culture
Do you have an induction programme?
What kind of support systems are there in place for staff?

It’s always good to consider topical issues that may affect you in the role. For example:
What PPE is used and how often are patients tested for Covid-19?

You may also have questions relating to professional development, and the opportunities that will be available as you progress your career. Consider if there are further qualifications you may like to take and ask if the business can support you in your studies.

Focus on your priorities
It may be that you only have time to ask a few questions, so consider which ones are your priority and focus on those. You can always ask your other questions at a later date, as you get invited back.

Want to know more about preparing for a nursing job interview? Read our previous blog post.

Nursing Interview: What to Expect?

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