Meridian Health & Social Care

Meridian Health & Social Care

Meridian Health and Social Care's people are positive and committed, supporting each other to achieve our Company aims, values and objectives. Our top quality management team are able to provide strong professional leadership and support to our entire workforce, as well as ensuring we provide the best possible level of care to every person. Meridian Health and Social Care embraces a diverse workforce, which is able to meet individual needs and deliver services culturally appropriate to each person. Our service is person-centred, an ethos that can only be achieved by communication from the senior directors down, underpinned by reinforcement and training.

Our commitment to quality and excellence is demonstrated through our many certifications, which include the internationally recognised Investors in People Award. The expertise of our staff and our quality service has led us to secure a place in the top ten National Care Providers in the Country and to become the largest independent domiciliary care provider in the UK.

Meridian Health and Social Care is committed to continually improving service provision. We work in partnership with Local Authorities, Voluntary and Third Sector groups to provide significant added value to our Service, alongside our investment in the latest innovative technology.

Our aim is simple: to provide the highest achievable quality of care to people in order to maintain their independence and improve their quality of life.

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